Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Every year for Lent, I always give up something like cookies (sweets), chips or alcohol. But since we started clean-eating in the beginning of January, I decided to make Lent the perfect time to really put the icing on the cake. (Homemade icing, of course!)

Picture from here.
I'd say that Adam and I only eat about 5% of processed foods, if even that much. It mainly happens on the weekend when we are tired and just want a quick, but healthy meal. And for the past month or so, we have headed to the Whole Food's hot bar. Our meals aren't that unhealthy... it's always fish, veggie and quinoa. Not bad, right? Problem is, we aren't 100% sure how they're cooking these foods. And sometimes, we go through the ice cream aisle and come home with a "so-so" dessert. So this year for Lent, we decided to give up all processed foods. Let's call it our 40-day pledge. And for an added bonus, we've also decided we won't eat at the Whole Food's hot bar either!
 Original picture from here.
 I have to admit, zero processed foods is definitely going to be a little difficult for me because I'm going away for a week with my work family. And speaking of family, visiting home (Jacksonville) will be interesting since nobody else cuts out processed foods. I'll let this be a challenge for me... Maybe I can get them to start eating clean, too! :) My plan is to travel fully-loaded with Lara bars, fruits and Trader Joe's 100% whole wheat pretzels. And thank goodness for technology... I'll be checking out Lisa's tips on my iPhone whenever needed!

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